Daily Dose of DOT — 4/2/2022

Polkadot P4t
2 min readApr 2, 2022


Crypto.com Lists Astar

This Daily Dose of DOT is going to be dedicated to Astar since they have had some really amazing news recently. To kick things off, Astar is now listed on Crypto.com! This allows Crypto.com users to buy Astar tokens with fiat currency such as USD or EUR. This is a huge step since some people do not like buying tokens through a decentralized exchange or don’t have access to them. In other words, this listing opens the door for a whole new crowd of people to get involved with the Astar Network

Astar Network Rumors 15 Projects In April

There has been a rumor floating around that Astar Network plans to add 15–20 projects during the month of April. This has been reported by different people and it already seems to be coming true. Between the Crypto.com listing and the constant stream of partnerships from their official Twitter, it does seem like they will add that many projects. Their most recent, from 3/31/2022, is a partnership between Astar and Oasys.

Another reason for this rumor is the vast amount of money that is locked on the Astar Network. This number is only growing and shows the strength of the project. Many people are speculating that this will bring in institutional investors and cause more projects to be built on the network.

Astar Network Passes 100,000 Addresses

Astar Network shared this screenshot on 3/29/2022.

Looking at Holders, it says that there are 100,119 unique addresses holding Astar tokens. This is quite the accomplishment and as this number grows, so will the ecosystem that surrounds it.

