Astar — Projects Overview

Polkadot P4t
3 min readMar 21, 2022

The Astar network has recently had a huge breakthrough on the number of projects being launched on their network. In this article, we are going to be going over some of the projects that are currently being built on the Astar network! Here is a list of the projects that we will be showcasing:

  • Sirius Finance
  • Orcus Finance
  • Starbank Finance

Sirius Finance

To kick things off, we have Sirius Finance. They are using an Automated Market Maker (AMM) to make a cross-chain stablecoin. This is great because it allows Astar Network to have more liquidity pools and smoother trading! As said on their Medium (

) “… low-slippage trading costs & high APY for liquidity pools on Astar Network, allowing more financial innovation & yield boosting for Astar users”. They also shared this amazing info-graphic that explains what they are in deeper depth.

This kills two birds with one stone because it allows traders to experience cheaper swaps while people that provide liquidity can rake in their rewards as well.

Links for Sirius:

Orcus Finance

Next up we have Orcus Finance. They are a Fractional-Algorithmic Stablecoin that is pegged to the USD. Although, they plan to broaden their reach to new stablecoins in the near future. oUSD, their stablecoin, has a “dynamic collateralization level”. They give this example on their document page.

When oUSD trades above the target price of $1, the protocol decreases the collateral ratio

When oUSD trades under the target price of $1, the protocol increases the collateral ratio

This is an interesting concept that sounds especially useful to those of you that often deal with collateral ratios and safe health factors. What makes this project even better is that it is all automatic. There is no need for any active management, the algorithm takes care of everything!

Links for Orcus Finance:

Starbank Finance

Lastly, we have Starbank Finance. Not too much information is available since they are incredibly new, but they are planning to be a decentralized investment platform on Astar Network! Most, if not all, information currently out there comes from their Astar Builders Project application, available here. That being said, lets get into it!

Starbank will consist of weighted pools, stable pools, and farms.

  • Weighted Pools: Each pool will have up to 8 different tokens. Each token is then assigned a weight. What you end up with is a single pool that carries a diverse group of tokens inside.
  • Stable Pools: This type of pool will consist of a pegged token such as USDT or USDC
  • Farms: This is where investors can provide liquidity or stake their tokens and get a fraction of each transaction fee in return

More information is available on their Builders Project application, but it gets highly technical so I will leave that exploration for those of you that are interested!

Links for Starbank Finance:

